Thursday, March 26, 2009
Different person updating this time.
Umm hooray i guess?
Hmm i'm not sure what to upate but Naia asked me to post advice
So advice...advice
Right now that's what most of us face right?
Problems with our friends.
So lemme tell you somthing....
You will regret once you expierence lonliness
People who thinks that this is a joke has not understood it
But it's very painful.
When you are left alone,you feel uneccessary
You feel that in all the world that there was no one who needed you,
And somtimes you feel like you want to take revenge on the people that hurt you
You want them to feel the same pain you felt,But
Will that accomplish anything?
All you are doing is being like the same 'evil' people who treated you like that
So inside you actually are like them.
Instead ,work hard
Make a use to your friends
Support them and protect them.
And soon you will learn to love your friends......not as in bf and gf thingy
But have a feeling of family for them....Love them
Because love is the hearts desire to serve somone who is precious to you and to watch over them.

I don't know about the others but
Express maths students do your homework!

Well hope to see you all in school!
Bye Bye!

Brian/Carebear =^_^=

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