hello everybody!!!
-mai here- firstly-thanks to those who have contributed to this blog..... secondly-happy birthday to the april babies... thirdly-dont give up watever u are trying to do no matter how hard it is..... fourthly-dont dissapoint the teachers and do all hmk .....be gd students.. i only have the pictures of the malay gurls so try to take lotz off pictures togther and post it k ....
Hi Guys!
More advice coming your way! An now this post is supporting my post on friendship. So Hear me out k? Have you been hurt by other people,friends or even family? When you entrust everything to them and they just take it away and hurt you. When you feel like this person is the only friend you have and he betrays you. After this......you will feel the lust for revenge. They hurt you and you want to hurt them back. You will feel that the only thing that matters to you is that you hurt other people. It's like your only friend saying to you....'your my friend and you always will be'. And then suddenly that 'friend' of yours attacked you. And say to you 'I always hated you,under all that happiness i hated you so much'. Then you will feel this feeling. This feeling may overpower your being. These are beasts. They want revenge for people treating them like dirt. Don't be a beast,be a strong willed person and make people believe in you. Make them trust you. This is who you ought to be. Prove everyone your not a cold hearted beast. Prove to everyone that you can be their Hero! Well that's it guys! Hope you all understand. Hmm homework......Oh yeah Express students do your homework and for the rest don't forget your clay. Well see you guys in school bye bye! Brian/CareBear =^_^=
as you guys can see i've linked up most of our classmates. if you want to be unlinked or linked please leave a message. and ! nicholaaaaaaaaaaas, sry for th wrong date. i hope you guys are having great time with this class blog. TWO-AYE-ONE rocks our socks out ! weeeeeeeeeee~ kayyy, byebye friends (: Naia.
Hi you guys!
I'm updating on weekends i feel abit weird doing this..i mean it's weekends what do i write? lol.....actually i do have somthing to write.... More advice! Hmm as you can see in the title it says home What about home? Sometimes you feel like you have nowhere to return to. Nobody has a home for you to stay in. But The place where someone or some people thinks of you, that's the place you can can call home. Not litarally meaning your parents don't think of you you leave them. No.But instead the people who think of you......they care about you exsisting in this world. They need you. So return home to them. Because they are waiting for you. So lost somone precious to you? Think of them,and soon they will return home. Well hope you all find a home you can all return to. And Cody writes the samt thing as me! this this > =^_^= looks like i have somthing in common with somone after all! Bye Bye Guys! Takecare! Brian/Carebear =^_^=
boom !
haha , hello peeeeeeps ;D yasmin here , tryin' to keep this blog aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeee . well , basically , just now we had CLD , and we had to sort out our feeling right , and i think it's a great way for us to bond and know each other better . if the class comittee are reading this , tell teacher to have that circle time thingy again uh kay ! and briann , i've learnt alot from that post (: i think , it's true , love is the hearts desire to serve someone who is precious to you and watch them over. and we all have to watch each other , which is theeeeeeeee precious students of the 2A1 family huh(: 2A1 rock ah rock !:P soo takecare kayyyyy , do all your homeworks (: takecareeeee ! love you guys . yasminnnnnnn (:
Different person updating this time. Umm hooray i guess? Ok Hmm i'm not sure what to upate but Naia asked me to post advice So advice...advice Ahah! Friendship Right now that's what most of us face right? Problems with our friends. So lemme tell you somthing.... You will regret once you expierence lonliness People who thinks that this is a joke has not understood it But it's very painful. When you are left alone,you feel uneccessary You feel that in all the world that there was no one who needed you, And somtimes you feel like you want to take revenge on the people that hurt you You want them to feel the same pain you felt,But Will that accomplish anything? All you are doing is being like the same 'evil' people who treated you like that So inside you actually are like them. Instead ,work hard Make a use to your friends Support them and protect them. And soon you will learn to love your friends......not as in bf and gf thingy But have a feeling of family for them....Love them Because love is the hearts desire to serve somone who is precious to you and to watch over them. Now!Homework! I don't know about the others but Express maths students do your homework! Well hope to see you all in school! Bye Bye! Brian/Carebear =^_^=
could somebody or anybody else update this blog, i think somebody just killed the blog and its dead. do update yeah (: byebye, Naia.
Hello there (:
as you guys can see i've changed th skin of our class blog. i alrd add th tagboard so u guys could shout anything in there. btwbtwbtw, happy holidays do have fun peepols. do remember to do th holiday hmwk yeaah. byebye, Naia. |
JUST FULL OF RANDOM SONGS. :D World's best class I suck at making introductions. This is a blog created by Dina for our class 2a1. edited by Naia! :D Links Updates will be done by Nasharuddin We have two most fantastic teachers by the name of Mr Zaf && Miss Tan. Spamming is seriously not allowed here. Gotten sick of our blog? Shoooo LA!! Let's talk alot going off so soon? Brian =^_^= Carol Cassandra Debra Iskandar Mai Nabihah Naia Nazmeen Nicholas Rui Yang Sakinah Shu Hui Sithu Yasmin Yi Ling Yvonne Nash Sakinah archvies By post: